Unified street furniture for Prague

What we wanted to achieve?
1) To make a design reflecting the elements characteristic for the City of Prague.
2) To make a design based on one fundamental shape that simplifies the manufacturing and creates a visually compact set.

What do you need to know?

  • The width of benches‘ wooden laths and steel belts, along with the same spacing of benches‘ laths and trash bins‘ steel belts, help to create a unified decorative look of the whole set.

  • Frames are made of steel belt 8 mm thick and 70 mm broad. Presented version‘s surface is treated with graphite coating; it is possible to manufacture it in zinc or inox version.

  • Benches are accompanied by oaken laths with rounded upper edges. The wood should be treated with a transparent, water repellent paint. Laths are mounted from the bottom/back to keep benches‘ appearance undisturbed.

  • The small trash bin and the bicycle stand use both the same fundamental shape used in bench construction. The big trash bin uses the same shape also, but in an extended height.

  • Inside both trash bins there is a removable tin container collecting garbage and cigarette butts.

  • Prague‘s logotype can be easily placed on a flat part of any construction steel belt.